Student Ministries

Summit Ministries are designed for our students in grades 6-12.

Our Student Ministries are weekly gatherings for sixth through twelfth grade students. These gatherings provide students with the opportunity to connect with God, with other students, and with older committed leaders who are dedicated to seeing students grow closer to Christ. We believe that you can't do life alone and that our students are at a unique time of life where they can grasp the Gospel and the impact of having Jesus in their lives.

Our Student Ministries are divided by age into two group: Middle School (Grades 6-8) and High School (Grades 9-12).

Sunday Mornings

Middle School students are encouraged to attend the Equip class at 9 to 10:15 a.m. in the Gym, which began on Sunday, August 27. This class meets on the second and fourth Sunday of each month during the school year and is designed to help MS students get more comfortable with the books of the Bible, along with getting a better understanding of how to navigate their way through the Old & New Testaments. Students are given opportunities to ask questions and gain insight in a comfortable environment. On the weeks Equip does not meet, students are encouraged to participate in the services in the Worship Center. This is an excellent time for students to be an active part of the VNC Tribe.

We also encourage our High School and Middle School students to find ways to serve during the morning services. We suggest serving during one service time and attending the worship service in the other. There are great ways for students to serve in the Children's Department, Worship Arts Department, and the First Impressions Team.

Sunday Nights

On Sunday nights during the school year, which began on Sunday, August 27, students in Grades 6-12 meet in the Youth Center from 5:30-7 p.m. Please drop off and pick up students at Door 4. Summit Ministries starts off each week by welcoming the students in with an ice-breaker game or games. Following that, there will be a message from Pastor Morgan or Pastor Adam. The evening ends in small groups, discussing the message that was shared. Some nights, we will divide the middle school and high school up so we can discuss topics that are more targeted to their age groups. For small group time, students will be divided by grade to discuss that night's topic.

Youth Bible Quizzing

Youth Bible Quizzing strives to provide a place where students can attain a deep and intimate knowledge of Scripture, form community with other teens, and compete in exciting Christian competitions! Be on the lookout for information about the next season. Contact Scott Hughes at to learn more and register. 

Upcoming Events

Celebrate Life

Regional Celebrate Life is jam-packed with over 40 activities, giving teens from across the Olivet region the chance to showcase their talents for Christ. This event takes place from May 16 to May 18 at Olivet Nazarene University. We will head to ONU on the morning of the 16th and leave ONU on Saturday the 18th, after the event concludes around noon.

Summit Intramurals: Draft Party!

Each summer, our Summit Student Ministries hosts Intramurals for students who have completed sixth through twelfth grade. Intramurals allows students to use their gifts while enjoying their time hanging out together. You'll have a chance to be creative and competitive as you play wacky games, create ways to earn spirit points, and compete in activities like Paint Wars, Lip Sync Battle, and Water Wars. This is a great way to add some fun to your summer and make a few new friends!

Register here for the Draft Party, beginning Sunday, April 14!


May 16-18 | Celebrate Life

May 19 | Intramurals Draft Party

June 29-July 6 | Costa Rica Mission Trip